Craft Show

Application for show on May 03, 2025

Please read and accept the Terms and Conditions beneath form before submitting

Thank you for applying for the Harvest Spring Time Craft Sale.

Please submit your application and you will be contacted with further information. If you would like to pay your registration fee online click the link below then select "Craft Show". A $10 refundable deposit will hold your spot with the balance due April 3rd. Any application filed 2 weeks prior to the show will not be eligible for any refund and must be paid online. You can mail checks (payable to Harvest Worship Center with a notation of "craft show") to HWC Craft Show 23233 Wick Rd. Taylor, MI 48180. If you wish to pay in person, please email us and we will set up a time to do so ( we work outside of the church too.)

If you require electricity, you need to provide your own extension cord. Please inquire on amperage available, we want to make sure we can accommodate you. If you require a large amount of power, then additional charges may apply (e.g. heaters, cooking equipment, blowers, refrigeration.) There will be a minimum $5 additional charge for electricity.

Please remember that in order to have a successful sale, everyone must do their part. The following guidelines are in place"

  1. This is a family friendly event. Please no items with objectional material, foul language, etc. Harvest reserves the right to have items removed from sale if considered to be non family friendly or goes against our beliefs.
  2. Please provide covering for your tables. Table covers are required.
  3. There will be a designated parking area for crafters to park after unloading. Please save the close spots for patrons so they have the energy to shop 'till they drop.
  4. We're in it for the Long Haul. Please do not start packing up until after the close of the sale. Premature departures make the customer think we are closing and will speed up or leave early. Any premature departure will not be considered for return shows.
  5. Please remember any children with you must remain at your table. You are responsible for your child and any damages that may incur.

For more information, contact us at

By Submitting this application you agree to these terms and conditions.